The 5 Latest Social Media Trends That You Should Know About

Working in an industry where nothing stays the same for more than 5 minutes can be tough. With over half the word using social media (59%), the industry’s fast paced evolution is hardly surprising. Struggling to keep up with all the hot new updates, fresh features, and viral updates? 

From evolving demographics, to podcasts –  we’ve got you covered. 

We’ve curated an extensive, although not exhaustive, list of what’s new with our favourite social media platforms. 

1. Instagram Notes 

Instagram is constantly rolling out new features to keep us all on our toes. The newest? Instagram Notes. The new feature surprised users everywhere with its sudden release on September 27th.

But what is it? 

‘Notes’ are a new way of sharing snapshot thoughts, ideas, or announcements with your Instagram following. Choose who you want to send your Note to, and the content will pop up above their DMs for 24-hours. Somewhere between a story and a DM, Notes are a more subtle form of communication for Instagram users. 

It’s still not clear if Instagram Notes is sticking around – Instagram is currently testing the new feature. Quick – go and test it out before they disappear!

2. Is Facebook still with us?

Less of a trend, and more of a reassurance for the avid Facebook users out there. Despite all the emerging competition, Facebook still takes the lead as the largest social media platform amongst both consumers and marketers, with the largest demographic being men aged between 25 and 34. 

With so many people using social media, it can be tough to keep on top of which demographic is using which platform. But not to worry – Compiled has you covered. Including your Compiled profile link across your social media platforms means that your audience can easily follow you on the platform that they prefer. Give your audience the choice of platform. Simple!

3. Is TikTok replacing google?

For most of us, the answer is probably… no. 

TikTok is known for its musical content and viral dance videos, whereas Google is a popular search engine. 


Well, surprising new stats show that 40% of young people use TikTok over Google when conducting a basic online search. Whether it be for restaurant recommendations, local music events, or even recipes, Gen Z-ers are increasingly turning to TikTok for their day-to-day searches. 

TikTok is already the most downloaded app for those aged 18 to 24, making it a fierce competitor for all the other beloved social media platforms. But through its famously thorough algorithm, and ever-growing audience, it’s now becoming a key marketing tool for brands. 

Make the most of TikTok’s new spot in the limelight by including it in your Compiled profile. 

4. Twitter Podcasts 

Following their success with their new audio-feature section – ‘Spaces’ –  Twitter has announced their very own Podcast feature. 

But how is it different from Apple Podcasts or Spotify? 

Well, Twitter is providing a feature that its competitors haven’t yet been able to crack. Users will be able to listen to podcasts, rate them,  and share them to their followers – all in the same app. Personalised podcasts with tailored recommendations? Yes please!

5. Snapchat Trends 

Whilst Snapchat might not always be considered as the go-to social media platform for marketing, their new feature – Snapchat Trends – says otherwise. 

For the first time ever, Snapchat is providing a market-research based insight into what’s trending amidst the Snapchat community. Likes, dislikes, trends, and highlights, are now all available through an online searchable database. 

This new source of insight is a great opportunity for content creators to tap into the Snapchat community, providing a whole new level of visibility!