Whether you’re a social media manager, work in a digital marketing agency, or just have your finger in a lot of pies, a Compiled Enterprise account can allow you to create multiple Compiled profiles for each of your clients or businesses. Impress clients with this added touch and wow them with personalised designs
1. Easy to Use
We pride ourselves on making our platform super user-friendly, with everything you need right at your fingertips. You don’t need to be a graphic designer to create good looking, eye-catching profiles! There’s compatibility with a wide variety of social media platforms, media formats and more, allowing you to easily represent your client’s brand.
2. Fully Customisable
Almost everything about a Compiled profile can be changed, from the background colour, to the layout, to the text fonts! Even if they’re tied into one Enterprise account, you can easily differentiate your profile styles, meaning you can create something stunning for your client or business that looks totally different from the next.
3. Incorporate Every Platform
Perhaps your client is an Instagram sensation hungry for followers, a YouTuber looking for more views, a charity seeking donations or anything in between. Compiled features a whole host of pre-built options, allowing you to showcase your latest video, social media post or even accept charitable donations directly through your page. We’re always ready to implement new features too! We respond to every feature request we receive, and normally release it within two days, ensuring that your campaigns aren’t held up and you can make your page look exactly how you want it.
4. Compliment Physical Marketing
All our digital profiles can be exported into QR codes or used with NFC technology. This means that they can be seamlessly integrated with in-person marketing campaigns such as posters, leaflets or business cards, allowing users to easily open the business’ Compiled profile on their mobile device. This powerful combination allows you to quickly get the most important links right in front of customers.

5. Seal the Deal, or Bag Upsells
With Compiled being so quick and easy to use, but creating such an attractive final product, it can be an extremely profitable marketing tool for agencies. Whether you use Compiled as an added value bonus to get a marketing client over the line, or demonstrate your value to them by setting a platform up, you’ll quickly see that an Enterprise account can pay for itself in renewals and sign ups.
If you’d like to learn more about enterprise accounts, you can find out more here!